KMØ, a huge coffee machine
We have created an 11,000 m2 coffee machine that brings together manufacturers, entrepreneurs, start-ups and training courses to enable them to invent the future together. Steve Jobs said it well : the most important thing in a company is the coffee machine because it is the place where projects are born!
This cross-fertilisation allows new projects to be created, to respond to requests from companies, to find resources and clients.
More than 50 French, Swiss, German and Belgian companies, 25 technical training courses, a fablab, an industry 4.0 demonstrator and an incubator live at KMØ.
5 partners from Mulhouse imagine a place where industries, startups & trainings are gathered.
Companies, start-ups, fablabs and students rub shoulders in this place steeped in history and with a promising future.
Industries, innovative companies, digital experts live in KMØ.
25 different courses are offered. KMØ wants to bring students and companies closer together.
KMØ, a place for innovation and training
Setting up in KMØ
Discover a historical and atypical place in Mulhouse. Be surrounded by people who, like you, want to share, innovate and collaborate!
Organising an event
5 original event spaces are at your disposal for a total of 812 m2. Organise your seminar, hackaton, business meeting. KMØ offers many possibilities (equipment, catering, etc.)
Setting up a project
Entrepreneurs and idea holders are welcome at KMØ! Consolidate your project or give it new impetus.
Easily meet business leaders, students, resources, future clients.