Share to Peer

“AI, we really need to get started !” If you’ve ever uttered that phrase in your business, then don’t miss the next “Share to Peer” session at the Switching Station at KMØ !

Share to Peer acculturation session

Curious to discover what generative AI can really do for you ?💡 KMØ opens the doors to this revolutionary technology to boost your productivity.

🎓 The Switching Station’s ” Share to Peer ” session is an immersive day dedicated to exploring the secrets of generative AI. This day is aimed at professionals who want to take their first step towards integrating this technology into their daily work. Day reserved for professionals !

Objectives :

The course of the day

History, origins and state of the art of the AI revolution

➝ Generative AI tools and their uses

➝ Corporate iA : risks, strategy, governance

➝ The state of iA.rt

➝ Prompt Engineering

Create my iA collaborator

Organization of the day

Session :
  • One-day training at KMØ
  • 10 to 12 participants (intra- or inter-company)
  • Supervision by two experts



  • QUALIOPI certified
  • Catering included
  • Training material included

Our experts

Gabriel MARTIN

CEO Connec’ten et Zénon Trainer ” IA Master ” at UHA


Co-founder LLAAMA Architect and software engineer

Interested ?