At KMØ, a foundation to generate vocations

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Co-founded by four business leaders, the new KMØ Foundation, created in the bosom of the Mulhouse digital industry ecosystem, aims to support training courses enabling talented people from all walks of life to move into high-voltage jobs.

The Fondation de France, which houses the KMØ Foundation, guarantees the proper management of the funds and the use made of them. The KMØ Foundation was born out of this observation : ” In our company, or at least in most of them, we have jobs for which we have difficulty recruiting, whereas there are people who want to work, who have the skills, but don’t have the right training ” observes Yannick Etter.
The first two training structures to which the foundation has chosen to lend its support are based at KMØ : La Ligne Numérique, which enables its students to consolidate and broaden the digital skills they have previously acquired on their own, and the 42 Mulhouse computer school, which recruits without any diploma requirements, is based on peer-to-peer learning and is free of charge for its students.
The Foundation, which is starting out with a commitment of €200,000, also aims ” to develop other training programs ” and not just within KMØ, with the help of the founders and other patrons who will join them. Contributions to the foundation will be eligible for tax reductions.

You can read the full article from the newspaper ” L’Alsace ” below.

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