EPITECH at KMØ: Launch of the Pool: “We throw you in, the goal is to try not to drown you” Thomas Comparon

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Welcome to Epitech

This year, Epitech school launched its first class of students at KMØ. Coming from different backgrounds with different personalities, the students are gathered here around the same passion, computer science. Epitech brings a new learning methodology by emphasizing project-based teaching and autonomy.

Interview with Thomas Comparon, first year student at Epitech

Thomas Comparon, a student at Epitech, agreed to talk about the first 3 weeks of the training, a period called C, computer language, which focuses on learning the technical basics of computing. Thomas Comparon has his own meaning of La Piscine ” We throw you in, the goal is to try not to drown ” Indeed, La Piscine prepares students to be rigorous by challenging them. ” Nothing happens without you putting in the work, but you can’t do anything by yourself “. The young boy made the decision to enter this training in part,

” Programme Grande École “, thanks to its good understanding, mutual help and cohesion are the watchwords of the school. Thomas Comparon says he is honored that his school sits within an ecosystem such as KMØ, because ” It is a technological pole beneficial to students like us, it gives us the chance to benefit from its network for our end-of-year internship and thus evolve within one of the Residents by bringing them new technological ideas “.

5th year students have created a startup within Epitech

10 to 15 % of the students leaving Epitech create their own startup. This is the case of Arthur Knoepflin, Bastien Rinck, Benjamin Solca, Cédric Thomas, Nicolas Polomack and Thibaut Cornolti. Indeed, as part of their end-of-study project (EIP = Epitech Innovative Project) over 3 years, these five Alsatian students have created their startup : REYAH. Their company, founded in early 2020, involves digitally converting scanned paper documents with inert data into usable data. The five 5th year students take advantage of the Epitech space at KMØ to meet and share their experiences with students and residents.

By outsourcing a project, companies have the opportunity to challenge students to find technical solutions to their problems and thus give added value to their potential application.



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